
Student Consulting

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Coaching for Young Adults

Student consulting, or life coaching, has become popular in recent years, and for a very good reason. It works! It can help students achieve their potential. This is not therapy or counseling. A professional coach can identify traits and gifts that parents miss, and become a partner to guide and mentor students as they develop into their full potential.

How Does Student Consulting Work?

We begin with a complimentary initial consultation to make sure we’re a good fit. We then work one on one with each young adult in a three-step process we call R3:

Reveal – Release – Realize


We work together to discover your true self, unique strengths, talents, motivators, preferences, and attitude towards life.


We validate personal decisions based on your true self and help you understand your unique potential and limits.


We walk alongside you to craft a path to realize your full potential.

The sooner we begin, the sooner we can see progress. Coaching or consulting can make a big difference in your child. When young adults see their own uniqueness and potential, they begin to make better choices that reflect their core values. By understanding first who they are, they can then see how their gifts contribute to the world. It’s often a transformative experience that helps young people move ahead in life with confidence.

Let’s begin. Call Right Connections today at 612-597-3486 for a free initial consultation.

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