
Success Mentoring and Teen Coaching

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Coaching for Young Adults

Right Connections Coaching For Young Adults offers success mentoring and teen coaching services that empowers young adults with self-knowledge. When young people understand their unique gifts, talents, strengths, and weaknesses, they can make major life decisions with confidence. Unlike counseling or therapy, success mentoring focuses on understanding each individual’s innate personality traits and how these affect their communications, thinking, and ways of interacting with the world. By understanding themselves, young adults are empowered to move ahead with confidence in themselves. Success mentoring helps young people see their potential rather than focusing on what to change.

Jim Carr Right Connections Coaching for Young Adults

Jim Carr | Right Connections
Coaching for Young Adults

Teen Coaching with
Jim Carr

Jim Carr truly understands how the immense pressures all around can make teens feel lonely, isolated, and confused. At one time in his life, Jim was also confused about his vocation. Discovering who he was, what made him unique, and leveraging those strengths helped him gain clarity and focus. He leverages these insights into a career as a Life Coach and Teen Coach that give him meaning and purpose.

About Life Coach Jim Carr

Jim began his career in the corporate world but soon discovered his calling in life coaching. After a decade working with adults in private practice, he found more and more parents asking him for help with their high school and college-age children. And as a result, Foundations for Success was born to help teens identify their unique gifts, talents, and strengths, as well as discover their potential. Teens develop confidence in themselves and make better choices as a result of their newfound self-knowledge.

“I can’t thank you enough for giving me this opportunity to learn more about myself. It’s made such a difference in my life and I have found a state of happiness.”


Complimentary Initial Appointment

Right Connections – Coaching for Young Adults is located in the greater Minneapolis area, but Jim works with teens nationwide through remote technology.

Schedule a complimentary (free) initial appointment today. This appointment will help you decide if life coaching is right for you and your young adult. Call us at 612-597-3486.

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